On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Christian Krone wrote:

> Hello,
> and here a small patch to make "file extension" work as 
> it does in newer Tcl.
> Greetings, Krischan

This patch looks fine, but it generates regressions like so:


==== filecmd-5.35 getExtension extension
==== Contents of test case:

            testsetplatform unix
            file extension a..b
==== Result was:
---- Result should have been:
---- filecmd-5.35 FAILED
==== filecmd-5.36 getExtension extension
==== Contents of test case:

            testsetplatform mac
            file extension a..b
==== Result was:
---- Result should have been:
---- filecmd-5.36 FAILED

I was not able to find any tests that covered the
file extension command for this case in Tcl 8.4.
I think we need to add some tests there, and then
use them in Jacl. I checked the patch in anyway,
but we should fix the problem in Tcl 8.4.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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