Hack... hack... hack...  I plow on...

Okay, I never could get configure to successfully run Test.java.  Finally
got it to compile after much hacking, but never run.  So I took out the
whole java test section of configure and finally got a Makefile.

Several problems with the Makefile, though:  1)  The classpath is being
built with ':'s not ';'s.  I'm on NT so this is a no-no.  I assume that this
is something I've set up wrong.... where?  2) There are places in the
Makefile where paths are specified as "//e/App..." instead of "e:/App..."
which causes failures.  I'm using the cygnus tools.  3)  The line in the
        @echo "# Making tcljava.build"
gives me an error about an unterminated quoted string.  Not sure why.

Am I just being clueless here?

That said, it appears that I have built jacl.jar and tcljava.jar

Thomas McKay

Project Leader
Microcosm Technologies, Inc.

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