On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Daniel Wickstrom wrote:

> Ok, I retried my fresh checkout on the solaris box, and it runs ok
> except for a few test failures:

> ==== java::lock-1.1 error checking
> ==== Contents of test case:
>     list [catch {java::lock} msg] $msg
> ==== Result was:
> 1 {no value given for parameter "javaObj" to "java::lock"}
> ---- Result should have been:
> 1 {wrong # args: should be "java::lock javaObj"}
> ---- java::lock-1.1 FAILED

What version of Tcl are you using? This should not
show up with Tcl 8.3.2 or 8.4. At any rate, it
does not matter.

> tclblend/javaTimer.test
> ==== javaTimer-3.1 JavaTimerProc
> ==== Contents of test case:
>     set t [java::new tests.TimerHandlerTest $notifier 100]
>     set result [java::field $t value]
>     java::field $t err true
>     lappend result [catch {$notifier doOneEvent 0} msg] $msg  [java::field $t value]
> ==== Result was:
> 0 0 1 0
> ---- Result should have been:
> 0 1 {java.lang.NullPointerException: TimerHandlerTest} 1
> ---- javaTimer-3.1 FAILED

Humm, I have not seen this error before either. Could
this have something to do with your Notifier changes?

If not, could you investigate it a bit more? Perhaps
get a stack trace and print it to see where things
are going wrong.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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