> Vadim wrote:
> > Jeff Hobbs wrote:
> >> I have nothing in particular against this patch, but I 
> think that we
> >> are working on something similar in ActivePerl that will 
> be available
> >> "real soon now".
> > 
> > Good; that change is quite neutral.

now its in.

Next time I'll remove "create-moveable-dist.pl" -- looks like its useless.

> I am currently not in the office myself, but I'd be interested to see 
> the general structure of your design.

things are quite simple.

But when I deal with all C code inside Perl DLL, things are even simplier, 
because I no more seeking for right tcl/tk DLL, or in danger of finding wrong 

When build is done, only 4 files are required for any Tcl/tk configuration:
  Tcl.dll  -- contains compiled Tcl.xs *and* Tcl and Tk and (optionally Tix) C 
  Tcl.pm - from Tcl-0.89
  Tclaux.pm - generated auxiliary perl module
  tclscripts.zip.pm - generated ZIP archive (.pm extension only to convince 
Makefile.PM to copy it as required; wrong extension - is a temporary hack)

tclscripts.zip.pm contains all needed tcl scripts and library files (now it 
contain even unneeded files, more accurate zipping should be done manually)

Tclaux.pm contains two helper subroutines
$Tcl::tcl_init0 = sub {....} # provides init.tcl
$Tcl::tcl_init = sub {....} # runs Tcl's Vfs_Init, Trf_Init, Tk_Init, so to 
make tclscripts.zip.pm available to Tcl/Tk
yet it contains few startup Tcl files as Perl hash, so to provide it when 
needed inside mentioned subroutines, during bootstrap.

Example file please download at 

It is just the build of current Tcl-0.89 with these features turned on

It also contains the file "try.pl" to prove the concept. Here it is (with my 
comments inserted here)

use blib; # use w/o install

use Tclaux; # 1
use Tcl;

my $int = new Tcl;

$int->SetVar('tcl_library','.'); #2
$Tcl::tcl_init0->($int);        #3
$Tcl::tcl_init->($int); #4

$int->Eval('puts this');
$int->Tk_Init; # but this is already done inside #4. bummer
$int->Eval('puts that

pack [text .t]
pack [button .b -text {foo, bar, fluffy!}]

tkwait window .


Lines marked with comments #1, #2, #3 and #4 are required lines for my approach.
They could be inserted into Tcl.pm, or could be hidden somewhere else.

(I used this approach during larger bootstrap sequence, so these *were* hidden 
somewhere else :) )

So startup of Tcl/Tk's ZIP VFS is running

Required LIB files for static build are here:

The helper script for Win32 is here:
It facilitates static builds and creates proper Tclaux.pm, tclscripts.zip.pm

Presumably I'll do linux also, within day or two.

I'll be happy to hear any comments or questions.

> > BTW will it allow to "hide"/pack some perl modules (.pm 
> files) into stardll?
> > 
> > Is my understanding correct, that TCL will see its 
> stardll-files within
> > "vfs" but placing Perl files inside it quite useless?
> Yes, you are correct.  It is for encapsulating all the Tcl stuff only.

I cheated: you can also encapsulate Perl stuff there and extract it with Tcl.


Best regards,

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