Christian Kreibich wrote:
Are you suggesting an xml-based pcap, or xmlified tcpdump output?

If you mean the former, I think the problem with this approach is that
in order to be able to write out a file in the first place, the
structure of the packet content has to be understood by libpcap (so that
it knows to write "<ip vers='4' hlen='20' ... flags='0x04' ...
proto='17'>" etc) -- then the question becomes what to do with unknown
protocols etc.

I'm suggesting the pcap storage format be XML. A raw capture, without using protocol dissectors, would just be a sequence of base64-encoded (perhaps) frames and metadata.

Tools like the tcpdump protocol dissectors and tethereal could then just be XML filters that take a raw XML input frame and annotate it with protocol elements, as in the rough example I posted. Existing XML tools, e.g. xsltproc, could generate reports from the annotated XML using XSLT. The reports could as easily be HTML output as plain text or more XML.

Additional protocol dissectors for protocols unknown to tcpdump/tethereal could be written in any language with XML support (preferably event-based). In fact, many protocol analyzers could be written directly in XSLT/XPath and processed using xsltproc. Among other things, this provides many means to eliminate the continuing problem of buffer overflows. tcpdump could have a plugin architecture with an XML filter for each protocol/frame type.

I think what you're proposing should be provided by an xmlified tcpdump,
but not the capture library.

I'm suggesting that we use XML as the capture file format so that tcpdump becomes an extensible XML filter.

Or you can throw all that musing away. Just pay attention to the discussion for a little while -- it revolves around timestamp and metadata formats, sizes of fields, and other esoterica that are sounding a bit archaic in today's computing environment. I think we should take a hard look at whether it's really appropriate to define yet another hard binary file format when XML can provide the same functionality with modest storage overhead, and has many added benefits.

Jefferson Ogata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
NOAA Computer Incident Response Team (N-CIRT) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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