On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 08:25:25AM +0200, Fulvio Risso wrote:

| I agree with Loris.
| I know that this flag would be extremely useful, but there are no guarantees
| that you're able to get this info from the NIC / NIC driver.
| Perhaps, what we should to is to use 2 bits for each flag, where the first
| one means "flag is valid", and the second one it is the flag value.
| E.g.:
|   1                 0                0                  0 . . . . . .
|  ^^^               ^^^              ^^^                ^^^
|  "incoming" flag   packet is        "outcoming" flag   No meaning
|  is valid          not "incoming"   is NOT valid

why not assigining simple codepoints for the direction information;


0 ... invalid/undefined/unsupported etc.
1 ... incoming
2 ... outgoing

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