In some email I received from Jefferson Ogata, sie wrote:
> Darren Reed wrote:
> > In some email I received from Michael Richardson, sie wrote:
> >>  Prooving what? that you aren't being lied to? By whom?
> >>  What is the thread model for this? What does having the kernel digital
> >>sign stuff gain you? Who would lie to you in such a way that they
> >>couldn't also have the kernel lie to you?
> > 
> > It's not about lieing so much as data integrity within the
> > computer/application and being able to trust that to a very
> > high level.
> Darren,
> I'm still trying to understand an attack or failure scenario where
> having the kernel MD5 the packet is any more reliable than having
> userland do it. Can you describe such a scenario?

I have less faith in a multithreaded program not stamping on data
between it being read from the kernel and md5'ing it.


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