
we are using libpcap to read/write ethernet packets (own defined
ethernet packet types 0x7F4, 0x7F8 and 0x7FC).  The default for
libpcap to open a socket is in "promiscuous mode".

Because of high load we try to reduce the number of packet to be
handled by libpcap.  Out intention is to create the socket in
"non-promiscuous mode".  Therefore we have to change the socket
system call in function open_pcap_live.  Now our questions:

- Is there a simple way to create a socket this way?

- Is there a way to create a socket which processes our own
  ethernet type packets only?  Or do we have to define three 
  independant sockets, one for each different ethernet type?

Many thanks in advance.
Manfred Geyer
        _                            |  
        V          Manfred Geyer     | eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+---------------+  ALCATEL SEL AG    |
| A L C A T E L |  Dept. VS/ECA5     | Phone: +49-711-821-41397
+---------------+  Lorenzstr. 10     | Fax:   +49-711-821-44875 
     TELECOM       D-70435 Stuttgart | Alcanet:       259-41397

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