I have a RedHat linux box (intel based) with linux kernel 2.4.9-13 and
tcpdump version 6.2 with libpcap ver0.6.
If I run to capture the atm interface eni155MF packets as
tcpdump host and>test.tdp&
then the message displayed is that it is listening to eth0. This strange
while atm0 interface is up and working fine.
On another PC I have linux kernel 2.4.0-test10 (RedHat 7.0) with tcpdump
version 3.5 and libpcap 0.4, its working fine and capturing the packets with
the same command.
I downloaded the tcpdump 3.7 and 0.7 libpcap and installed but tcpdump -V
shows still the old version. I must made a mistake. How to remove the old
version before installing the new one?
Thanks in advance.

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