>For the same parameters tcpdump gives different bpf progs!
>versions of libpcap are different (see below).

This is not surprising, since it's libpcap that generates the bpf
program given the tcpdump command line.  Your libpcap 0.4 is
IPv4-only, but your libpcap 0.6 knows about IPv6 also (see it
checking for ethertype 0x86dd?)

>what's more interesting that if I run program 
>generated on first machine, on another one, it doesn't work!

If it's running on the same hardware with the same capture options and
the same version of libpcap, this is surprising.  If any of those variables
changed, it's not surprising.  It's best to use libpcap on the machine
you're doing the capture on, binding it to the interface that you're
using to capture, to compile an expression at runtime.  The output
of "tcpdump -dd" has fairly limited utility.

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