> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 07:27:27PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > > That said, sys/types.h is most likely not what is needed to
> > > make sys/mman.h self-contained, but that's a completely
> > > separate issue.
> > 
> > By the way, where is it written that sys/mman.h has to be
> > self-contained?
> > 
> > I bet it is written exactly the other way around.
> http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/
> E.g. sys/mman.h is supposed to define size_t. The easiest approach for
> that is to include sys/types.h, but adding e.g.
> #ifndef       _SIZE_T_DEFINED_
> #define       _SIZE_T_DEFINED_
> typedef       __size_t        size_t;
> #endif
> is acceptable (and preferable). The goal beside the standalone
> requirement is to enforce minimal pollution of the application
> namespace. If a source file needs a symbol from foo.h, it should have to
> include it, but it shouldn't have to know how the headers work
> internally.

And this is exactly the problem with POSIX.

When was that change made?

Who was asked about it?

How much backwards compatibility did they break?

The whole process is run by the same people who refuse to put
strlcpy and strlcat into Linux.

Unfortunately POSIX is a joke.

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