On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 08:22:38PM +0000, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> I think both sthen@ and I have mentioned before that we really like
> how FreeBSD has the revision in a separate PORTREVISION variable
> that is much easier and less error prone to increment than pX
> suffixes in PKGNAME.
> > e.g., we would have something like:
> > 
> > REVISION-main = 5
> > REVISION-a = 2
> Yes.  And consider putting vX in a separate variable as well while
> you're there (` la FreeBSD's PORTEPOCH).

As far as naming goes, are you okay with REVISION(-sub) and EPOCH(-sub) ?
I don't see the point in adding an extra PORT in front of it.

(I can do it smoothly, without needing to change every port Makefile over

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