>> "Everybody does it" is an argumentum ad populum.  It's not right
>> because all systems do this.  All systems do this because some RFC
>> told them to and apparently nobody considered the downsides (or they
>> dismissed them).
>> I'm arguing it should be different since it is unexpected behavior
>> (keep in mind that you say 'none' to the "IPv6 address for em0? (or
>> 'rtsol' or 'none')" question in the installer - a link-local address
>> is not "none"), it goes against the OpenBSD philosophy and it exposes
>> an extra attack surface.
> Just to remind everybody here. The last time we had to bump the remote
> hole counter in OpenBSD was because of IPv6. Because of that I'm all for
> not having IPv6 link local addresses set by default.
> It will also save us from some troubles with unnumbered interfaces (e.g.
> as part of a bridge(4)) that get an IPv6 address by default unless -inet6
> is used.


I am just a user and follow this tread with much interest. I have to say
I wasn't used to OpenBSD lie to me from 2.6 when I started to use it.
When I say None to a question I expect None, not a partial None.

I have no say in the subject, but if I may, please make the question
reflect the truth when asked and KILL IT!

As a side effect of this, I got used to do this in pf.conf in every install.

block in quick inet6 all

Thanks for always considering better setup and default every time.


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