On 2014-06-01, Christian Weisgerber <na...@mips.inka.de> wrote:

>> The blue ports do not appear to function under OpenBSD.
> They do.  I just tried a mouse in all three of my X230's USB ports.
> It worked in all of them.
> (I use the default BIOS settings, i.e., USB 3.0 mode [Auto].)

It is a BIOS issue.  I just updated mine from the ancient 1.12 to
2.61, and when I rebooted with the new BIOS, the USB CD drive I had
used for the update was gone from OpenBSD's view.

It appears the USB 3.0 mode "auto" setting is now broken and needs
to be changed to "disabled".

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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