On Sat, Sep 05, 2015 at 03:40:53PM +0200, Lampshade wrote:
> Sorry for newbie question, but I am curious 
> and this hipervisor is new thing so there is no man pages yet.

It's not yet in the tree.

> I have read general classification of hypervisors on Wikipedia
> and there are types: Type-1 and Type-2. 
> I have also read about KVM on cern.ch's Wiki.
> https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Virtualization/KVM
> What is the type of this hipervisor: Type-1 or Type-2? 

The hypervisor is built into the OS. So you could say it's partway
between the two types. I've never been a fan of those labels because
they imply you are either one or the other, and we're neither.

> Is this hypervisor more similar to "micro"-hypervisor or to monolithic 
> hypervisor?

I don't know what those terms mean.

> I am interested in short answers, even if they were slightly oversimplified.

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