> From: Leo Unglaub <l...@leo-unglaub.net>
> Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 12:20:24 +0100
> Hey friends,
> first of all i am sorry if this is not for tech@ and more for bugs@ but 
> to me it seams like a tech@ issue.
> I am trying to install OpenBSD on a Hetzner EX51 server. The specs can 
> be found here: https://www.hetzner.de/us/hosting/produkte_rootserver/ex51
> In order to use the entire 4 TB drives i wanted to use a
> UEFI -> GPT -> softraid0 (RAID 1) -> 2 x 4 TB drives.
> Booting the UEFI version of the install.fs works fine and also the 
> install works but i am unable to boot the server. According the the 
> datacenter this happens because OpenBSD does not write an entry in the 
> mainboards firmware UEFI bootlist and simply asumes a fallback to 
> /boot/bootx64.efi. But according to the datacenter this mainboard does 
> not have that fallback and simply does not know what to boot.

That sounds correct.

> So maybe it would be a good idea to write an entry in the UEFI bootmenu.
> I would love to provide a dmesg but sadly this is very dificult to get 
> from this crappy remote vnc console i have to use to install stuff on 
> the server. But i am working on getting a dmesg to you guys.

Unfortunately writing such an entry isn't trivial.  To do this from
within the installer, we'll need to write code to call the UEFI
runtime services from the OpenBSD kernel.



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