I just committed the last parts of my working tree to enable both seabios
and alpine linux support (using serial console).

This should be enough for people to create images and help find and
fix bugs.

Here are things I already know about:

 * since vmd's emulated uart is a no-fifo 8250, you'll see a bunch
   of "too much work for irq4" or "too much work for com1" on the
   serial console. Interacting with the serial port causes that to
   free itself up. If this bothers you, ssh into the vm for now
 * i386 guests and hosts are temporarily broken until I go back
   to fix them.
 * I've had my alpine guest randomly lock up on a couple

On a whim, I grabbed a serial port console build of ubuntu cloud
image from their site and booted that. It gets lost in the initrd
somewhere, I haven't had a chance to look into it yet. Other
distribtions may or may not work. The only distribution I have
done more than just a tiny bit of testing with is alpine.

You can use the vmm-firmware port to get the seabios with the right
config for vmd, or you can wait until that is hooked into the
fw_update mechanism. If you don't want to use seabios for some
reason, you can still boot existing OpenBSD VMs without it by
using the "-b" option (this option used to be called -k) and
specify a kernel of your choice - this mode requires no seabios,
and works as before.


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