On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 19:48 +0000, Carl Mascott wrote:
> I have a suggestion RE your pftop.c patch.  You are rounding
> multiple times, after each scale operation.  This is known as
> rounding the intermediate results of a calculation and degrades
> accuracy.  If you're not familiar with the issue do a Google search
> on rounding intermediate.

I round only once, that's what I've explained in my mail.

> I suggest assigning the pf rate to an unsigned long and multiplying by 10.
> This makes the LSD a guard digit.
> After all scaling, round once (if guard digit >= 5 then add 10).
> Yes, this may require one more scaling operation if it rounds up to 6 digits 
> (including guard digit).
> At the very end divide by 10.
> Note: This is essentially fixed point arithmetic with one decimal digit.
> I modified pftop.c v1.37 to do this earlier today.
> It was kind of tricky.
> I need to see if it still looks OK on Tuesday (I'm busy Monday).
> Let me know if you want a patch then.
> I won't have actually tested it, though, so it's highly likely to have bugs.
> You might be better off writing your own (and then perhaps comparing to mine).
> RE my email client: It's Yahoo webmail -- nothing I can do about it.

pftop in systat can only display 4 digits and 1 unit symbol
so you can't display all digits of your bandwidth spec.
But please by all means, send your diff and I'll take a look at it.

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