On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 09:09:22AM +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> On 28/05/20(Thu) 15:27, Vitaliy Makkoveev wrote:
> > On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 12:26:39PM +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> > > On 27/05/20(Wed) 11:54, Vitaliy Makkoveev wrote:
> > > > pipex(4) is simultaneously protected by KERNEL_LOCK() and NET_LOCK() and
> > > > the last is not required. I guess to start remove NET_LOCK(). Diff below
> > > > drops NET_LOCK() in pipex_ioctl() and underlaying routines. At least
> > > > this helps to kill unlock/lock mess in pppx_add_session() and
> > > > pppx_if_destroy().
> > > 
> > > Getting rid of the NET_LOCK() might indeed help to untangle the current
> > > locking mess.  However we should aim towards removing the KERNEL_LOCK()
> > > from, at least, the packet processing path starting with pipexintr().
> > 
> > I guess we can made `pipexoutq' processing NET_LOCK() free. Also
> > `pipexinq' processing requires a little amount of places where NET_LOCK()
> > is required. So we can implement special locks for pipex(4).
> After second though, it seems that the easiest way forward is to protect
> `pipex_session_list' by the NET_LOCK().
> The rational is that this global list is dereferenced in pipexintr() and
> its members are compared to the content of `ph_cookie'.
> There's currently no mechanism to ensure the reference saved in `ph_cookie'
> is still valid.  That means what ensures the pointer is kind-of correct
> is the NET_LOCK().  I'm saying "kind-of" because comparing pointers is
> questionable, especially if sessions can be destroyed without purging
> `pipexoutq' or `pipexinq'. 
> Since the KERNEL_LOCK() is not always held when the network stack runs,
> `ph_cookie' can be modified by a CPU without holding it.  So what
> actually protects the data structures here is the NET_LOCK().
> Does that make sense?

This time nothing protects `ph_cookie'. I already pointed this issue.

pipex_ppp_enqueue() (net/pipex.c:737) is the only place where we set
`ph_cookie'. But between pipex_ppp_enqueue() and pipexintr() calls we do
context switch where we can kill session.

There are some cases how we can do it:

1. by pipex_ioctl() with PIPEXDSESSION command.
We call pipex_close_session(), it sets sessions state to
PIPEX_STATE_CLOSED and it's all. pipex_timer() will delete this session
by pipex_destroy_session() but only if `pipexinq' and `pipexoutq' are
empty. This check is required to be sure there is no `mbuf' with
`ph_cookie' pointed to destroyed session. This is the only safe way to
destroy session and the only pppac(4) do this but not always.

2. by pipex_iface_stop().
We travel through all sessions and call pipex_destroy_session() with
our sessions. We don't check `pipexinq' and `pipexoutq' state. So,
hypothetically, we can have `mbuf' with `ph_cookie' pointed to session
we killing and this is potencial use-after-free. pppac(4) do this by
pppacclose() which calls pipex_iface_fini() which calls
pipex_iface_stop(). Hypothetically, npppd(8) can be killed while it
has a lot of active connections and some of them can be referenced by
`pipexinq' or `pipexoutq'.

I guess in normal shutdown npppd(8) does pipex_ioctl() with
PIPEXDSESSION command as described in (1) before close correspondind
/dev/pppac and there is no sessions while we do pppacclose().

3. by pppx_if_destroy().
pppx_if has reference to it's own pipex(4) session and this reference
will be killed by pppx_if_destroy() without `pipexinq' and `pipexoutq'
check. Also potential use-after-free. And this is the only way how
pppx(4) can destroy session.

We always setting (and destroying) and procesing `ph_cookie' in different
threads. So we will always drop lock which protects the whole pipex(4)

I guess the only way to be sure the data referenced by `ph_cookie' is
still valid is to implement reference counters to pipex(4) session and
rework pipex(4) session destruction.

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