On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 06:46:00PM +1000, Matt Dunwoodie wrote:
> Hi all,
> After the previous submission of WireGuard, we've again been through a
> number of improvements. Thank you everyone for your feedback.


I was wondering if there is a way to specify a routing domain/table
for wgendpoint in ifconfig(8).

In a VPN client setup (roadwarrior style) I'd like to keep wg0 in
rdomain 0 and put the actual physical interface in rdomain 1. So that
all daemons (smtpd, unwind, ...) use the VPN by default and only the
strict minimum to setup the VPN runs in rdomain 1.

Everything works if I set wg0 in rdomain1 and keep my re0 interface in
rdomain 0, but as soon as I set rdomain 1 for re0 and rdomain 0 for
wg0, the VPN cannot come up (and I see the UDP packets to port 51820
trying to go out through wg0).

Thanks for your work on wireguard !

Matthieu Herrb

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