On Sat, May 14, 2022 at 05:48:10AM -0500, Luke Small wrote:

> arc4random_uniform_fast2 that I made, streams in data from arc4random() and
> uses the datastream directly and uses it as a bit by bit right "sliding
> window" in the last loop. arc4random_uniform() uses a modulus which I is
> simple to implement, but I wonder how cryptographically sound or even how
> evenly it distributes. Adding a modulus seems sloppy without something
> better. I did make arc4random_fast_simple() which merely takes an
> upperbound. I integrated arc4random_uniform_fast_bitsearch() or whatever
> the top function was into it which binary searches to find the correct size
> bitfield (return value) needed to barely fit the upperbound while also
> being able to discover every possible value below the upperbound. It isn't
> as fast as arc4random_uniform_fast2 if it were used repeatedly after a
> single use of arc4random_uniform_fast_bitsearch() , but it does exactly the
> same thing and appears faster than repeatedly using arc4random_uniform()
> and it's wasteful use of arc4random() and calling the expensive rekeying
> function more often.
> It may be interesting to determine even without looking at performance,
> whether arc4random_fast_simple() creates a more superior, secure use of the
> chacha20 stream than arc4random_uniform() with the modulus. what exactly
> does all that extra data from the modulus do to the random distribution?
> -Luke

I don't follow you at all. Your blabbering does not even use the terms
"uniform" and "modulo bias". I wonder even if you realize what they
mean in this context.


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