
after a prompt from stsp@ and florian@, reporting that newfs_msdos
fails when given an $duid.i argument, I set down to see what could be
going on. My test using an USB stick failed to reprdouce the problem.
Then I started using a vnd, and that shows the issue (once in a
while). The feeling is that any disk devcied created on the fly might
show this issue.

What I have found out so far: sometimes, disk_subr.c:disk_map()
fails, because the device in question does not have the DKF_LABELVALID
flag set, so it is skipped in the duid search.

The only place where DKF_LABELVALID is set is in

Often the disk_readlabel() call in this function succeeds and the flag
is set, but also often it does not succeed. 

I have observed it failing setting the message to "cannot read disk
label, 0xe32/0x2932, error 25", which seems to come from the
DIOCGPDINFO NOTTY case in dev/vnc.c

This is how far I got.

I am using the test script below. In my case, instrumenting
subr_disk.c with printf made the problem occur less often, so I
suspect a race between the disk attachment and the label becoming

The vnconfig triggers the disk attachment message (but only the first time a
vnd is created, it seems, I am not seeing any messages after a vnconfig
-u and re-running the script).

=== script ===
set -e
dd if=/dev/random of=/tmp/image$1 bs=1m count=100
vnconfig vnd$1 /tmp/image$1
fdisk -ig vnd$1
echo "a\ni\n\n\n\nw\nl\nq\n" | disklabel -E vnd$1

Try to run newfs_msdos on the duid.i reported. Note that you need to
reboot to see a change a behaviour on a specific vnd. If it starts out
OK, it keeps on being OK, if it fails, it keeps on failing. This
corresponds to my observation that the disk_attach_callback() is
called only once for a specifc vnd, even after unconfig and reconfig.

Hope somebody who knows how this all shoudl work can see where the
issue is.


Index: subr_disk.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/kern/subr_disk.c,v
retrieving revision 1.248
diff -u -p -r1.248 subr_disk.c
--- subr_disk.c 2 Jan 2022 17:26:14 -0000       1.248
+++ subr_disk.c 13 Jul 2022 12:02:05 -0000
@@ -1118,8 +1118,10 @@ disk_attach_callback(void *xdat)
        /* Read disklabel. */
        if (disk_readlabel(&dl, dk->dk_devno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)) == NULL) {
+               printf("disk_attach_callback %s: seting DKF_LABELVALID\n", 
                dk->dk_flags |= DKF_LABELVALID;
+       else printf("disk_attach_callback %s: NOT seting DKF_LABELVALID 
(%s)\n", dk->dk_name, errbuf);
        dk->dk_flags |= DKF_OPENED;
@@ -1785,6 +1787,7 @@ disk_map(char *path, char *mappath, int 
        mdk = NULL;
        TAILQ_FOREACH(dk, &disklist, dk_link) {
+               printf("YYY %p %s %x %p\n", dk, dk->dk_name, dk->dk_flags, 
                if ((dk->dk_flags & DKF_LABELVALID) && dk->dk_label &&
                    memcmp(dk->dk_label->d_uid, uid,
                    sizeof(dk->dk_label->d_uid)) == 0) {
@@ -1795,8 +1798,10 @@ disk_map(char *path, char *mappath, int 
-       if (mdk == NULL || mdk->dk_name == NULL)
+       if (mdk == NULL || mdk->dk_name == NULL) {
+               printf("XXX %p\n", mdk);
                return -1;
+       }
        snprintf(mappath, size, "/dev/%s%s%c",
            (flags & DM_OPENBLCK) ? "" : "r", mdk->dk_name, part);

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