On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 02:22:34AM +0200, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 08:39:16PM +1000, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> > wc counts items in files.  Finding the longest item indeed sounds
> > like a task better suited to awk.
> Finding outliers, means and counting are all parts of the same basic
> class of operations. A good implementation of all of them requires
> constant space and a fixed time per input character. An implementation
> in awk will generally not have that property.

Why ? is awk really that bad at managing memory ?

Anyway, we have perl in base, and it will definitely fit the bill.

Heck, I can do it in shell with constant space and a fixed time per input

Real world computing 101: complexity is not all that matters, the constant
in O(1) is often what will actually kill you.

Real world computing 102: any utility left unfettered for long enough will
grow a lisp interpreter and go into a mud-fight with emacs.

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