On Sun, Sep 03, 2023 at 09:21:18AM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm seeing some reports of "write after free" reported by malloc by
> peolpe running current.  Malloc has become more strict since begining
> of June. Let me explain:
> Small allocations share a page. e.g. a 4k page will hold 8 512 byte
> allocations.
> When one such allocation is freed, it will be filled with a "free
> junk" pattern, stay for a short while in the delayed free list (and be
> subhject to write after free checks) and after that it will be marked
> free and it might be allocated again. On a new allocation the write
> after free check will also be done. That is the new part of my commit
> in June.  Another change is that on the allocation of the page
> containing chunks, all chunks wil be filled with a "free junk" (0xdf)
> patttern. 
> The change has a consequence: the time span of the "write after free"
> checks is much longer, as it can take a long time for a chunk to get
> used again.
> I do believe the changes itself are correct and can help findiung
> bugs in other code. 
> You can also be set upon a wrong foot: if an out of bounds write on a
> adjacent chunk happens and lands in (another) free chunk, upon
> allocation of that free chunk it will be reported as a "write after
> free" case. It might even be that an allocation that was never
> allocated and never freed is still "write after free" because of
> "close" out of bounds writes. 
> I'm thinking how to change the error message to reflect that.
> If these extra checks hinder progress, it is possible to swicth them
> off using malloc option f (small F).

That should be j (small J).

> For general debugging I recommend using malloc option S, is has all
> the extra strictness that can be enabled while still conforming to the
> malloc API.
> Please be aware of these things while hunting for bugs.

I'm happy to say two of the more complex ones are (being) fixed: one
turned out to be a reference counting bug in firefox. See

The other, a write after free that crashed the X server when running
picard was diagnosed by me.  This one was a bit nasty, as it required
instrumenting malloc to print some extra info to find the root cause. 

The bug is that the call in
overwrites the first 4 bytes of the chunk next to the one allocated on
line 995.

A workaround is to allocate 4 bytes extra, matthieu@ will be looking
for a proper fix, as it requires knowledge of the X internals.

I am pondering if the instrumentation hack I used could be modified to
be always available and print the function that did the original
allocation when detecting a write after free.

The conclusion is that in these two cases, malloc helped in
detecting/finding the bugs (and it was not a bug in malloc itself :-).
Coincidentally this was the topioc of my talk during EuroBSD2023 last
weekend, see http://www.openbsd.org/events.html

I hope to look at the reports I got for the Wayland port (which is
WIP) as well, see


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