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For those like me who have multiple devices but never seem to have the right power supply on hand then there are some interesting solutions to the problem.

Yep, you can get those plug packs with the removable tips but theres one batter than that which I discovered at my electronics store.

I think this switch mode supply is hand built as it doesn't come with a brand name but it does come with some pretty impressive specifications.

First thing you notice is its impressive output current of 3000MA maximum and with short circuit protection to boot.

The next is the voltage range the supply covers and that's everything regulated from 3 to 15 volts.

The supply comes with two types of connections, either splade terminal or banana plug so in other words connect what or how you lie but we're not finished just yet.

With the supply come 2 leads, one is a splade to removable plug adapter for the 7 adapter plugs that can be fitted in the other end and the other lead is a splade terminals to elegator clips lead for connection to those lovely fan motors and such you like playing with on thos dull and rainy days <smile>.

The supply sits handsomely on your desk on 4 rubber feet and even has its own on/off mains switch not to mention a lock on the output voltage selector, its own long mains lead and good ventilation.

The package cost $70.

The supply is available from Radio Parts in Australia though I venture to say that stores in other countries would have similar supplies available.

I've used the supply with radio equipment and the noise factor isn't too bad and in any case one can get leads with RF Chokes to prevent too much of this sort of thing.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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