X-SpamDetect-Info: ------------- Start ASpam results ---------------
X-SpamDetect-Info: This message may be spam. This message BODY has been altered to show you the spam information X-SpamDetect: ******: 6.0 sd=6.0 Close nspam=0 nok=1 0.00 0.93(X-NotAscii:utf) $0.91(X-LangGuess:English) 0.18(X-SpamContent:clean) $0.20(dnswl_low) $0.20(X-Phrase:clean) 0.20(X-myrbl:Color=yellow) Sane2 6.0
X-SpamDetect-Info: ------------- End ASpam results -----------------

A great little App to have which can be put to all sorts of uses, there's even a version available for Android.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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