First of all I'd like to sincerely thank my Cousin Adam for the time he's devoted to this and I don't think finding time for this sort of thing would have been too easy between Home Duties - 2 the care of two toddlers - and work commitments, however the job's done now and I can tell you some of the results.

I booted the machine a little while ago though I didn't get any audio through the HDMI, perhaps the Denon AVR Receiver is playing tricks but that can't be dealt with right now so will have to wait for sighted help to deal with that one so decided to take the audio path from the headphones output into a Bose Soundlink Mini Aux-In which did the trick.

Volume upon startup is incredibly low so I played about with the attached USB keyboard a bit and found an adjustment to adjust the notification volume but as yet I've not found out how to actually get Google Talkback to speak any louder than it is doing.

The interface thus far - given I've only been looking at it for a few minutes mind - is surprisingly easy to get around, the arrow keys, space and enter seem to do surprisingly well.

The "Desktop" is surprisingly uncluttered and I noticed the Calculator and Google Docs Apps amongst the Icons.

I'll leave the machine to its own devices connected to the Home Network via an Ethernet cable just in case it feels it wishes to update something or other and get back onto the tredmill a little later on in the evening.

Again thanks for everyone's interest and encouragement with this project.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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