Hi, so what is the point in the voices? Seems kind of odd for a piano.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 18, 2016, at 1:27 PM, Gordon Smith <gor...@mac-access.net> wrote:
> Hello all
> Well,it’s here!  I confess to being a little surprised that this unit is 
> shipped without cables.  In other words, it has MIDI, USB 3.0 and external 
> audio support, but the only accessory shipped with the unit is the power 
> supply.
> All that said, it does not put me off the unit.  I am quite excited by its 
> range of versatility.  Also there is no touch screen to worry about, it’s all 
> physical switches.  One can have any combination of the 14 internal voices, 
> plus any of the external Yamaha voices which you download from their website, 
> playing at any one time.  I’m also puzzled by Yamaha’s policy of charging 
> their customers for all but the first downloaded voice profile.  But I’m sure 
> they have their reasons.
> Nevertheless, this instrument looks like a class act in its own right.  But I 
> guess I need something like ProTools or Adobe Audition to get the best out of 
> the piano.
> I haven’t yet played it, but looking at the keys, they are real quality.  
> They are beautifully weighted, just like a real grand piano is.  It really 
> does give the player a feel of being in front of a classic baby grand.
> The music rest mechanism is rather flimsy though.  It’s just a piece of 
> plastic, in essentials, which drops into a groove on the top surface of the 
> piano.  Odd to say the least.  When paying all that money for an item I 
> expect quality.  And my final little gripe is the absence of a sustain 
> peddle.  I guess you need to go back to Yamaha for that, maybe it’s 
> considered an accessory.  Although I fail to see how one can produce smooth 
> rhythmic music without one.  Everything will have a staccato sound to it as 
> soon as you lift your finger from the key.  Oh well, in for a penny, in for a 
> Pound, I guess.
> ========================================
> My compliments and kindest regards
> Gordon Smith:
> <gor...@mac-access.net>
> Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist.
> Hartlepool Blind
> Avenue Road
> Hartlepool
> TS24 8BB
> Cleveland
> Work Phone:
> +44 (0)1429 272494
> Mobile/SMS:
> +44 (0)7907 823971
> ————————————————————

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