Please note that the information below will be of interest only to list members in Australia.

Just had a quick play with the Android version and I'm impressed with the work that's gone on into developing this thing.

All options are logically laid out and they work as expected.

I Don't often find it necessary to give Vision Australia much credit these days but this time they've really taken a step in the right direction in developing the Smart Device App as it makes life a whole lot easier for those of us who have a Smart device to read books, magazines, Newspapers and other content available from the Vision Australia library.

I have only 2 small gripes about the App and the first is probably down to my lack of experience with the App, I couldn't work out how one is supposed to log-off the site when finished.

The second is that I couldn't see any option anywhere to change the reading voice and its possible that such an option doesn't exist in the App at all.

I like the idea of an "Accessibility Hints" switch which should help those users starting out with the App.

You also have the choice of reading the content online or downloading the content to your physical smart device storage for later reading.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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