
I’ve mentioned this App on a number of times when I discover new features about 
the App I previously didn’t notice, the App is fully featured and seems about 
as fully accessible as you’re likely to get though the App does have some 
stability problems at times so I’m documenting those and hoping the developer 
will address them in time but still, an incredible value for money App at $10 
or so.

As the title suggests Hands Free turns your Bluetooth compatible phone into a 
Hands Free device using your Mac and this arrangement is far more versatile 
than I first thought.

You can set Hands free so that if you’re sitting at your desk using a headset 
to take full advantage of that.  It also seems that the App - at least with my 
Samsung Galaxy S6 - receives information from the phone that it is being held 
in a hand thus if this is the case the speakers connected to your Mac are 
activated instead of the headset and you can speak using the hands free 
microphone of the phone as you normally would, now that’s very clever thinking.

I tried sending ext messages using the Hands Free App connected to the Galaxy 
S6 without a problems, bring up the “Send Text Message” from the Hands Free 
tasks menu, enter the destination, enter the text of your Message and press 

For this test I sent the Text Message to my iPhone and a reply came back to the 
Galaxy S6 though I wasn’t expecting to be granted immediate access to the 
Message Reply on my Mac so I was very pleasantly surprised.

The Message Window opened right in front of me on my work space and Voiceover 
read out the Reply Message so it was just a matter of using a couple of VO 
navigation keystrokes to move to the Edit box to type a response and from there 
to press the Send button, what could be easier.

You can use an iPhone with the Hands Free App but some facilities such as Test 
Messaging won’t be available - Apple only knows why -.

If anyone hears of a similar App available for Windows then I’d very much like 
to know about it but for now the Mac App will do very well.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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