Yes indeed, Happy Birthday IOS!
The first iPhone was available in 3 flavours, 4, 8 and 16GB storage capacity.
Apple introduced the “Apps Store” a year later but - up until that point - the 
iPhone was a business disaster.
The iPhone without a doubt revolutionised hand-held devices and from that 
Android and Windows Phone were born.
I joined the party with an Apple 3GS in late 2009 and positively marvelled at 
how a blind person could use and read a Touch Screen, if anyone had told me up 
until that point that a blind person could use a Touch Screen efficiently then 
I would have laughed quite literally in their face.
The iPhone reminds me of a Braille Note Taker in some ways, some people think 
an iPhone - like a Note Taker - is God’s gift to the blind. And thus exclude 
other technology’s or other equipment that may be more practical, there is a 
big wide world out there.

> On 1 Jul 2017, at 1:20 am, Gordon Smith <> wrote:
> Good day to you all.
> I’m not starting another Apple thread here, it’s more of a generic 
> observation.
> It was exactly 10 years ago today that Apple released the first iPhone. What 
> a lot has changed in those ensuing years, and quite a bit has not changed. 
> iOS in its nappy-wetting days was very very basic. I joined the party with 
> the release of the 3GS and it’s continued from there.
> The word is that Apple plans to release the first public beta of iOS11 later 
> today, so that should be interesting.
> Anyway, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday, dear 
> iPhone, happy birthday to you!
> Ten candles on the cake already.
> =================================================
> My compliments and kindest regards
> Gordon Smith:
> < <>>
> Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist..
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