Interesting and I do agree that the speaker - for what it is - sounds excellent 
given the money one costs the Polk Audio S6 is a bargain.
I also like the Omni s2 though that speaker is a different kettle of fish.
One can buy better of course and we’ll talk about that later.
With these wireless speaker offerings there’s a little more to consider than 
just sound quality, how your speaker is going to connect to your network and 
the protocols it supports over your network for example however let’s not get 
into the nitty gritty right now, the Omni s6 is a speaker worthy of the Polk 
Audio name without a doubt.
Perhaps a little resonate in its sound but yes, something that can be enjoyed.

> On 1 Jul 2017, at 8:14 am, Gordon Smith <> wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I've had my own Polk Audio S6 streaming speaker system for a few days now. I 
> have not said anything until now, because I wanted to be able to gain a good 
> insight into the device's performance and functionality first.
> Dane and I have agreed to pool our resourses to compile a jioint review of 
> this product, and that should be available soon. However, these are some of 
> my initial findings.
> In terms of audio quality which, after all, is the crux issue when it comes 
> to devices of this type, I had to take a few moments quiet repose so that I 
> could collect my thoughts. All I can say at this juncture is that I'm very 
> glad nobody could see me when I attained my first streaming audio. Reason: I 
> was simply stunned! The device has four amplifiers to drive it's individual 
> drivers and, my oh my, Can you tell! The audio when streaming high quality 
> content is just unsurpassed by any other wireless audio system of it's kind 
> which I have ever encountered.
> It doesn't quite come up to the standards of my Samsung HW-6500J sound bar. 
> But then again, I wouldn't have expected it too. We're talking about two 
> entirely different devices here, fundimentally different in functionality.
> But it deffitely compares favourably with the Boes and Bows wireless systems 
> I have here. And neither of those is exactky what I'd call bad!
> But there's one very marked difference, and I noticed it immediately. If you 
> position the speaker correctly in relation to your listening environment at 
> the time, the stereo separation and reproduction quality are just amazing for 
> such a device.
> I put some very high quality audio content into the device, and was rewarded 
> by sound production which would put many high-end high fidelity systems to 
> shame. Again, one must be realistic in terms of making comparisons, and I'm 
> very lothe to do so when systems operate so very differently. I will be more 
> detailed later when we do our primary review. But I certainly wouldn't have 
> any difficulty with sitting listening to this device for hours at a time. For 
> me personally, it has re-enabled my appreciation of stereo sound, something 
> which I've not had for some years. And I'm thrilled for that reason alone!
> More later.
> ==============================
> My Compliments And Kindest Regards
> Gordon Smith
> 'Accessibility And Information Technology Support Specialist
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