Le jeudi 19 mars 2009 à 17:31 +0100, Thomas H.P. Andersen a écrit :
> From my point of view (gnome-games) this would rock. We already know
> Zhang from earlier sudoku patches and it has always been good work.
> Sudoku should be fairly easy to do I think since transformations
> (filling in/removing a number) does not depend on the previous state
> of the board. Lag and locking should not be big problems in sudoku.
> Features I would like to see:
> - Ultra simple start. Just drag 'n drop a friend from IM app, or fetch
> a list of online IM friends to show inside the game. Easy set up of a
> game on LAN would be really nice too.
> - Game modes (collaborative / competitive)
> - Awareness UI. In collaborative mode it would be nice to have a
> "shadow" of the other players focus to avoid both players working in
> the same area.
> - Scoring: How would one win in competitive mode? Sudoku can already
> find a difficulty rating for each field depending on how obvious it
> is. Some sort of penalty for guessing wrong too?
> - Versioning. How to implement this to best prevent that future
> versions become incompatible.

All of this sounds great ideas! I'm sure we could have a rocking Sudoku
multiplayer experience. :)

> I think that doing multiplay in sudoku is both very innovative and
> fun. However most of the games are in C and I would have liked a
> general solution that could be used in all the games. Perhaps you can
> even manage both? :)

I totally agree that we should have a general solution but think we
should focus this SOC on one application. I prefer to have one game
properly using tubes and nicely polished than half baked pieces of
network code in each game. Lot of soc ends up with not-merge-ready
quality code and are finally never integrated which is a bit of a shame.

Maybe we should see the Sudoku game as a first attempt of tube
integration into gnome-games and from this experience design a more
general solution later?


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