On 09/19/2016 08:59 PM, Mateus Bellomo wrote:
> Hello,
> I have implemented the requestSubscription() and requestHandles()
> methods at telepathy-resiprocate [1]. I'm using Empathy as a client and
> testing it I noticed that when I try to add a contact in the contact
> list, in the window that opens, the method requestHandle() is being
> called several times while the user is typing the contact to add. So
> several 'partial' contacts are being added to my map that holds my
> contact identifiers [2] [3] like this:
> mateus
> mateus2@
> mateus2@test.s
> mateus2@test.sip5060
> mate...@test.sip5060.net <mailto:mate...@test.sip5060.net>
> I'm wondering if this behaviour should be expected from telepathy or
> it's just a bug.

It doesn't seem to violate the spec, so I would say it's pretty fine for
a client to do that. It just needs a way to check if an identifier is a
valid contact or not and this is the best way to do it. Of course, it
may generate a lot of d-bus traffic, but I don't think that's causing
any serious problems.
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