There's a memory leak in the XS Stash in v2.20.  It's a small
leak (one, maybe two SVs when you call a list method on a single item),
but a leak nonetheless.

The bug was introduced between 2.19 and 2.20. Jess Robinson provided
a patch for the Perl stash (which works fine), and I made a mess of the
reference counting while porting it to the XS stash (in my defence, it's
easily done, or at least I assume it is, because I seem to do it every
time I touch the XS stash!)

I've fixed the bug and checked that the leak has been plugged.

There's a new developer release, 2.20_2, on its way to CPAN. You can
also get it here:

If you're using TT2.20 in a persistent environment (e.g. mod_perl) then
you should consider upgrading to 2.20_2 before your memory leaks through
the cracks in the floor.

Please test this version. Assuming no catastrophic failures, I'll release
this as 2.21 in a week or so.


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