Oleg Kostyuk wrote:
> === root/src/q1.tt2 ===
> [% META title = 'Q1' %]
> Q1
> === root/src/q2.tt2 ===
> [% PROCESS q2_processed.tt2 %]


> for q2 page:
> $VAR1 = bless( {'_DEFBLOCKS' =>  {},'_BLOCK' =>  sub { "DUMMY"
> },'modtime' =>  1262127822,'name' =>  'q2.tt2','_HOT' =>  0},
> 'Template::Document' );
> Q2


> As you can see, in second case, when PROCESS directive was used, we
> don't have template.title - why? What is wrong?

Yes, that's right.  'template' always refers to the main page template
processed.  In this case it's 'q2.tt2' and there is no META data defined
in that template.

The fact that the q2.tt2 template PROCESSes another template doesn't cause
it to inherit its META data.


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