David Wheeler wrote:
On Jun 23, 2004, at 9:02 AM, Stas Bekman wrote:

Now committed with a few minor tweaks, please test it since I don't know how to test it. Thanks David.

Cool, thanks. What do you need to be able to feel comfortable/ready to release it?

As I mentioned I don't know how to test it, so if you think it's good, then nothing stops us from doing that. We ought to post a release candidate and 24 later go on CPAN.

Geoff, if you have no objections, can you handle this release? I'm on the road and not the most suitable person to do the release at the moment.

p.s. perhaps someone can approve my posts to module-build-general, I keep on getting those moderation awaiting notices or drop that list from CC. Thanks.

-- __________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org http://ticketmaster.com

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