I present a request to not move to release F17 until the release name is changed in the released code. I appreciate the comments public and private but it remains that this name may do considerable harm.

There is not formal criterion for a blocker bug. So I appeal to this group, as the last in the community, to present their decision that the release is not yet ready, for humanitarian reasons. You would block if there was a flaw in an important technical element, but Fedora is more than technology, it is a community.

Most who communicated with me believe this is not the place to raise this request. That iis too late in the process. The name process was discussed by the "board" and they declined to address the concerns raised and defer to address naming and word meaning and connotations at a future release. If this had been flushed-out when the warning was raised, it would not have impacted the placement of the objected-to name in so many places and documentation and release notes. I was not part of those initial dialogs.

Some have said to me that it cannot be stopped because "legal" or some other group did not object so it is ok for Testing to assume ok. But also note that few women are involved in the approval processes. The banking crises was in part formed by many individuals sensing something wasn't right but did not take any personal responsibility to act.

Consider please:
if one headmaster says the release is inappropriate to use in the teaching or desktop situation; if one religious leader objects to its use in that the supporting material for the name says "this is your new god"
  if one advocate of equality for women speaks up
if one government department says its use violates discrimination in the workplace laws
  if one parent objects
       and it is picked up by the press....

I don't know the future, but I think that releasing with this name has the potential to be a destroyer of the momentum that the contributors to Fedora with the support of RedHat have worked to build.

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