> Did you check the bug reports on sourceforge?  Is this bug #524292
> (present in gs7.03-7.10, but not 6.51, now marked as closed):
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=1897&atid=101897&func=detail&aid=524292
> --
> George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

thanx a whole lot for bringing this bug report to my attention. i have indeed been
using gs7.03 - 7.10, and a workaround described at sourceforge,
using -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3
in ps2pdf, fixes the problem.  interestingly, the gswin32c i've been using is based on
gs7.0, so the
bug must have "slipped through the crack" between the  gs versions i've been using. 
just become aware that gs 8.0 is now available, and i hope the problem is absent there.


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