>|> If your local paper size is A4, how do you get A4 PDF output from
 >|> tex -> dvips -> ps2pdf processing on MiKTeX? The only reliable
 >|> method I've found is to use dvips -ta4 ...
 >|If I say ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE#a4 the property becomes 209.9 x 297 mm

Interesting. The usual syntax -sPAPERSIZE=a4 doesn't work.

 >|If I say dvips -tA4 but ps2pdf without option I obtain the same property.

It seems the "official" way is to do

  initexmf --edit-config-file dvips

and move the @ a4 section ahead of the @ A4size section. There's
some explanation in the dvips manual. Has to do with some Postscript
printers expecting the A4size configuration whereas ps2pdf responds
only to the a4 configuration. What a nightmare!

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