>|2013/6/9 Raphaela <evarapha...@gmail.com>:
 >|> thank you. I have now installed the full TeXlive package, but the
 >|> instructions on the page for Unix-like systems are not working for me
 >|(all I
 >|> get is a "command 'tlmgr' not found" message) and I don't know how to go
 >|> about installing a package manually.

Off-list I've learned that the OP actually installed texlive
packages using her distribution package manager. So there is no
tlmgr available. She has managed to install a musixtex package but
it's not the most recent version and the musixtex script produces
dvis rather than pdfs.

According to


the most recent musixtex packages are available in the testing
and unstable repositories. Could someone familiar with Linux Mint
advise her on how to add those repositories to the package manager

Bob T.
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