autosp generates notes commands for MusiXTeX scores. It
simplifies the creation of MusiXTeX scores by converting
(non-standard) commands of the form \anotes ... \en into one
or more \notes \Notes ... \NOTEs commands, as determined
by the note values themselves, with \sk spacing commands
inserted as necessary. For example,

\anotes\qa J\qa K&\ca l\qa m\ca n\en


\Notes\qa J\sk\qa K\sk&\ca l\qa m\sk\ca n\en

All conventional MusiXTeX commands are output exactly as
given in the input. The format of \anotes commands is
similar to conventional notes commands, except that line
breaks and spaces may precede note segments, allowing more
flexible source formatting; the line breaks and spaces will
be elided from the output. For example, the command given
above might be formatted as follows:

  \qa J\qa K&
  \ca l\qa m\ca n\en

Each \anotes command may include all (or some) of the
(vertically-aligned) notes in a measure.

autosp determines the spacing for ordinary notes from the
note commands themselves; for example,

+ \qa, \qu, \ql, \qp result in \NOtes;
+ \ca, \cu, \cl, \ds result in \Notes;

and so on.

The spacing for beamed notes is determined by the beam
multiplicity: \ib... results in \Notes, \ibb... results in
\notes, etc.

Collective coding of note sequences (including accidentals
and dots) is handled by expanding the sequence into a
sequence of individual note commands.

If a staff in an \anotes command should start with a
"space", the note-value of that space must be made explicit
with a command of the form \wh{*}, \ha{*}, \qa{*}, \ca{*},
etc. A bar-centered whole-bar rest must be coded in the
usual way, with explicit note-value spaces used wherever
necessary in the \anotes command(s).


Appoggiaturas and grace notes must be entered explicitly
using MusiXTeX commands outside \anotes commands.

autosp supports triplets introduced using any of the
following commands:


and x-tuplets introduced using \xtuplet{x}; however,
MusiXTeX notation does not specify the intended duration
of an x-tuplet. autosp assumes that an x-tuplet is to be
played in (x-1)/x of the apparent x-tuplet duration. So,
for example, a triplet in eighths is assumed to be played
in the time of one quarter note. If this assumption isn't
valid, the x-tuplet must be coded explicitly using MusiXTeX
commands outside of \anotes commands.

User-defined macros are not processed or expanded.

See files quod2.tex and barsant2.tex for scores suitable
for input to autosp. The 1st measure of barsant2.tex
is particularly interesting, with two appoggiaturas, a
note-valued space, and a 5-tuple with an intended duration
of six 64ths.

musixtex.tex version 1.16 or later is needed.

Download the autosp package from

This is the first release of a fairly complex program. It is
surely not ready for production use, but please report bugs
to me.

Bob T.
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