I've put proposed musixtex.tex and musixdoc.pdf for 
version 1.17 at


The main changes are as follows:

re-defined \centerpause, \centerPAuse etc. (but not \centerbar, \pause, etc.)
re-defined \ppff and \txtfont to be staffsize-dependent
re-defined \triolet to be consistent with musixdoc (prints \txt, not nec. 3)
introduced new commands:
  \tqqb \tqqh \tqqqb \tqqqh and synonyms \tqql \tqqu \tqqql \tqqqu 
  \qppp, \dspp, \qspp, etc. (double-dotted rests)
  \tr, \trt (ornaments)

Please report problems to me.

Bob T.
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
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