According to musixdoc.pdf,

  These characters have cumulative effects but in a somewhat
  restricted sense. They will alter the value of \transpose,
  but only until changing to a different staff or instrument
  or encountering \en, at which time it will be reset to the
  value it had before the accents were used. (That value is
  stored in another register called \normaltranspose).

In fact, with current musixtex.tex, the effect of these
characters will also be undone automatically if used
within a { } brace-pair or an \hbox. This would seem to be
incorrect behaviour and I'm proposing making the changes to
\transpose effected by ` and ' to be "global" and undone
only as described in musixdoc.


If anyone wants to test the proposed changes, here they are:

\def\@ndstaff{\egroup\transpose\normaltranspose ...
  \if '\t@ruc \global\advance\transpose\s@v@n   \C@Get \fi  
  \if `\t@ruc \global\advance\transpose-\s@v@n  \C@Get \fi

Bob T.
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