2017-04-08 0:30 GMT+02:00 Bailey, Jim <bai...@cotr.bc.ca>:

> I have been watching the listserv for replies to this post, but I haven't 
> seen any...
> I constantly use pmx and I would be upset if anything happened to prevent me 
> from using it. On the other hand, there is an old saying "Never ask someone 
> to do something which you wouldn't do yourself." Consequently, I would like 
> to volunteer for the project.
> I have been using LuaLaTeX for about a year (in fact, it was this listserv 
> which put me onto it) and so I have some knowledge of how it works. This was 
> my introduction of Lua, most of my programming has been in C.
> I would like to know how you envisage the project. It seems to me that it 
> would involve replacing the Pascal and Fortran programs with equivalent ones 
> written in Lau. The user would then load a generic .tex file, insert the name 
> of the file to be processed, and compile that document. TeX would load the 
> Lua script(s) which would translate the .mtx/.pmx files to a .tex file, and 
> then TeX would produce a .pdf file. Does that sound about right?
> So the project would involve:
> 1. Produce Lua scripts for .mtx, .pmx. These are best done independently, and 
> one would be useful without the other; and
> 2. Write the TeX file which calls the Lua scripts and produces the .pdf file 
> (this would be easy).
> I won't be able to do anything until the end of May, but I would like to 
> start thinking about it.

I suggest we do M-Tx first. I know it better :-), PMX is six times the size,
and it is easier to see the big picture in Pascal than in Fortran. Conquer
the hill before attempting the mountain.

Also, there is the intriguing possibility of exploiting the Lua unit of
Free Pascal, gradually migrating functionality to Lua (starting with
its vastly superior string handling and I/O library) until the Lua is
just one step away from being standalone.


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