>|Thanks for updating XML2PMX on WIMA.  I have tried it on Linux, but cannot
 >|find any input XML file.
 >|This is what I get in the terminal:
 >|NoOfArgs :     5
 >|sout : ./PMX/Telemann.txt
 >|A    3|
 >| number of bars to be processsed :     0
 >|Linux Binary XML2PMX (Version 2020) Copyright 2015-2020 Dieter Gloetzel
 >|This is XML2PMX.EXE Version 15.
 >|input file: ./XML/Telemann.xml not found 

You'd better download 


again. Here's what you should get:  

    % unzip -l XML2PMX_Linux.zip
    Archive:  XML2PMX_Linux.zip
      Length      Date    Time    Name
    ---------  ---------- -----   ----
            0  05-15-2020 05:33   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/
        35823  03-03-2020 06:10   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/GNU-GPL.txt
            0  05-15-2020 03:31   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/PMX/
            0  05-15-2020 03:31   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/PMX/example/
         5821  04-03-2020 12:46   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/PMX/example/Telemann.PMX
         5641  05-13-2020 06:10   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/PMX/example/Telemann.pmx
        34536  05-13-2020 06:10   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/PMX/example/Telemann.pdf
          666  05-15-2020 03:29   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/PMX/example/musixtex.log
        12258  05-15-2020 03:29   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/PMX/example/Telemann.tex
            0  05-13-2020 04:17   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/source/
        39532  05-09-2020 13:47   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/source/BWL015.Mod
         9293  05-09-2020 13:52   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/source/CompleteWL015.Mod
         1411  05-09-2020 13:46   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/source/FifoWL015.Mod
         1317  01-30-2016 10:51   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/source/LCout.Mod
        62823  07-18-2015 21:53   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/source/OLR.X86.Kernel.Mod
        18979  03-12-2016 19:16   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/source/Strings0.Mod
       135481  05-09-2020 13:13   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/source/TestbedLinux015.Mod
            0  05-14-2020 11:01   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/XML/
!!!    228179  11-14-2014 09:57   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/XML/Telemann.xml
      1520188  05-11-2020 12:17   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/XML2PMX_2020
           89  05-13-2020 06:09   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/RunTelemann
         8797  05-15-2020 05:33   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/Readme2020.txt
          386  05-15-2020 03:29   XML2PMX_Linux_2020/Kernel.Log
    ---------                     -------
      2121220                     23 files

Bob T.

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