
Is it possible to have several things appear simultaneously (\restep) in
arbitrary order using \restep[\value{step}=i]{}?
I have tried this with the piece of code below and, although I don't have
compilation errors, the result is, say, surprising.

Gérard Degrez

    \F^{c} & = (\rho u,\rho y_{s}u,\rho u^2+p,\rho uv,\rho uw,\rho u H)^t \\
    \G^c & =  (\rho v,\rho y_{s}v,\rho uv,\rho v^2+p,\rho vw,\rho v H)^t \\
    \F^d & =
green}\tau_{xz}},\notag \\
        \step[\value{step}=3]{\color{orange}q_{x}})^t \\
    \G^d & =

green}\tau_{yz}},\notag \\
        \restep[\value{step}=1]{\textcolor{red}{diffusion fluxes}} &
        heat flux}  \\
        \restep[\value{step}=2]{\color{green} shear stresses} &
\restep[\value{step}=4]{\color{yellow}power of
        viscous stresses}

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