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THuRsdaY, MaRCH o2, 2ooo

In this edition:
>> Three-legged dog saves family from fire
>> Moose walks over car
>> Prankster 'selling' virginity turns the table on bidders
>> Dion sues tabloid over twin pregnancy story


Three-legged dog saves family from fire

RALEIGH, North Carolina  -- Copper, a three-legged golden
retriever, awoke her owners just in time for them to grab their
two sons, two cats and a parrot and run from the house before
it was destroyed by fire on Sunday.

Copper, who lost her front leg as a puppy when she was hit by
a car, was allowed to sleep in the master bedroom starting
about a year ago.


Moose walks over car

OSLO, Norway  -- According to the Dagsavisen newspaper, Raymond
Johansen and his girlfriend were driving to Oslo when they
stopped for a moose in the highway.

They thought they had avoided a costly collision. But after
about two seconds of staring at them, the moose trotted toward
the car and proceeded to walk on top of it, kicking in the

MoVe iT oR LoSe iT:

Prankster 'selling' virginity turns the table on bidders

BUDAPEST, Hungary  -- An unidentified Hungarian posted a photo
of a girl on a Web site which read she would be ready to lose
her virginity for a "fair sum of money."

Dozens of people placed a bid, but the prankster turned the
prank on them. The names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and
letters of the 13 highest bidders were posted on the site.

i'Ve GoT a BRiDGe FoR SaLe
WaNNa See iT?

Dion sues tabloid over twin pregnancy story

LOS ANGELES -- Celine Dion says she wishes she was pregnant
with twins -- but she's not. So the French-Canadian pop diva
is suing the National Enquirer for $20 million for reporting

Quoting "a source who knows Celine," the Enquirer on February
1 sported the headline: "Celine -- I'm pregnant with twins!"
It went on to say the singer was "overjoyed; her greatest
dream has come true."

THeRe'S a RuMoR GoiN' RouND THaT You'RE GoNNA CLiCK HeRe:


New York (CNN) -- What do you get when you cross a New York
City squirrel with a rat?

"A sqrat!" says an entrepreneur who goes by the name Ivy
Supersonic. She claims that such creatures exist and she's
got the trademark and marketing plan to prove it.

i oNCe CRoSSeD a CLiCK WiTH a HeRe:

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