Title: AOL Email
Dracula, Has Risen From the Grave (UK, 1968)

Alternative Titles:

Dracula et Les Femmes (French title)

Running Time: 88 Minutes
Video Certificate:
Directed By:
Freddie Francis
Christopher Lee, Rupert Davis, Veronica Carlson, Barry Andrews, Barbara Ewing, Ewan Hooper and Michael Ripper


In the same Vein:
The Hammer Dracula Cycle consists of six films, of which this is the fourth, the others are:

Tag line:

"You Just Can't Keep a Good Man Down!"

"He lives! They die! Christopher Lee as the fanged undead."

Inflamed with his Vampire thirst for blood and evil and beautiful girls. [Australia]

A year has passed since Dracula drowned in Dracula, Prince of Darkness. The villargers are a supersticious lot and refuse to go to church since it is in the shadow of Castle Dracula - The local priest has turned to alcohol to drown his shame. He is soon shaken up when the Monsignor arrives and chastises him. A body is found in a church bell and the priest knows that evil still abounds. The priest and the Monsignor go up to castle Dracula, perform an exorcism and fasten the doors with a huge cross. On the way down, the priest falls and his landing cracks thie ice, reawakening Dracula.

The Count is unbelievably pissed off, unable to enter his castle because of the giant cross barring his threshold. He wants revenge and goes after the Monsignor's beautiful young niece Maria. Maria is in love with vibrant young student Paul, unfortunately Paul is an atheist and the Monsignor, being a man of the cloth strongly disapproves of the match. Maria is bitten by Dracula. Can Paul and the Monsignor overcome their differences and save her, or will the Count divide and conquer?

Christopher Lee dons the cape of Dracula for the third time. Its all pretty traditional vampire lore - Dracula sleeps in a coffin, wears a flowing black cape lined with red silk. He has small fangs and bloodshot eyes. As with the previous Hammer offerings there is no evidence he can transform into a bat, wolf or mist. New additions include putting garlic flowers either side of the victims head and painting crushed garlic juice around any appetures in the wall, like door/window frames. Also in order for Dracula to be 'finally' destroyed a prayer needs to be recited over his body.

Resurrecting Dracula:
The last we saw of Dracula was in
Dracula, Prince of Darkness where he drowned in his moat. The slightly drunken priest falls down the cliff as he loses his footing. He bashes his head and lands on the ice in which Dracula is trapped. The Priest's fall cracks the ice and his blood manages to fall into Dracula's mouth, reanimating the Count.

Dracula's Demise:
After a stake through the heart fails, (due to the priest being unable to utter a prayer) and setting fire to him has very little effect, there seems no way to destroy Dracula, In the end he falls off the castle balcony and is impaled on the giant gold cross which had been dropped there earlier after being removed from the castle doors. How convenient! The scene is a wonderful parody of the Crucifixion, with Dracula impaled on this huge cross, eyes weeping tears of blood, and the priest reciting the Lord's Prayer in Latin. Wonderful Stuff!

The Monsignor (Rupert Davis), a rather officious, aging Priest takes on the role of vampire hunter. He seems a little intolerant particularly when introduced to Paul (Barry Andrews). However, we do see a warmer side to him as Enst, in his dealings with his sister-in-law Anna (Marion Mathie) and his young niece Maria (Veronica Carlson). Armed with a giant gold cross, he manages to prevent Dracula from entering his own home. He is very clued up on vampires, having a Latin book of vampire lore... as you do!

Love Interest:

Veronica Carlson plays the beautiful, blonde naieve heroine Maria. She's the typical, pure heroine, niece to the Monsignor. Her role does compose of running round in a billowing white nightdress a lot. In a rather nice touch, when she is first bitten by Dracula, her china doll falls to ttthe floor, symbolising loss of innocence. She's very pretty, but one of the most annoying characters, one wonders why one Earth Paul would prefer her to the more obvious charms of the serving wench Zena.

Zena (Barbara Ewing) is a typical buxom serving wench - jealous of Maria, slightly in love with Paul she bubbly and fun... The perfect appetiser for Dracula!

Its also worth mentioning Paul (Barry andrews) as the camera loves him almost as much as Maria. Paul is an outspoken and honest student in search of truth - this often leads him into trouble, like when he blurts out to Maria's clergyman uncle that he's an atheist. The first time we see him he is shirtless in his uncle's bakery and its rather a nice change to have the male as well as the female form objectified.

High Points:
The opening scene of the body in the bell is wonderfully bizarre and macabre. Worthy of one of the gothic arthouse French films out there.

The psychadellic opening scene is unique amongst the Hammer Dracula's. It totally doesn't fit with the atmosphere of the film, but its defintely fun.

It's Christopher Lee as Dracula! The scene where he bites Maria is fantastic. Lee adds sensuality to the scene, nuzzling Maria as if to kiss her before going for the jugular. Maria knocking the porcelain doll to the ground adds an extra resonance to the scene.

The death scene of Dracula is also impressive and full of symbolism.

There are some really good performances such as Paul and Zena, you warm to their characters easily.

Low Points:

As with most of these films, its really predictable: Dracula is resurrected, bites a few pretty young girls, and is destroyed by a priest... until next time. There is nothing here you don't see coming.

The character of the priest, and even the Monsignor are rather flat. The priest isn't even given a name. Since the fact that he can't pray lets Dracula escape a staking the least he should have is a name and a little character development.

Erm, whats with the yellow shadows? For many shots the screen is yellow with a clear spotlight on the main action. Its quite weird.

Logic let me introduce you...

The priest hits his head and loses enough blood to resurrect Dracula, yet there is no wound when he gets up! The wound materialises in later shots though!

Who killed the body in the bell? It may be unbelievably cool, but how did it get there? The body is found BEFORE Dracula is resurrected - The woman has bite marks on her neck so its obviously a vampire killing - But Dracula's trapped under the ice! It can't be a legacy from his previous reign of terror either because the body is fresh (and he drowned a year ago), surely if it had been there a year the priest and the boy would have noticed it before?! So... do we have a rogue vamp on the loose? Or did Dracula do it? If so why have the elaborate resurrection scene?

When discussing their proposed trip to Dracula's castle, Monsignor says that dawn will be about 6am, so they should meet at 5.30am. The castle is very near by, its shadow falls literally onto the church - so why is it almost dark when they get there? Its evening before they even start climbing the cliff to the castle - where has the day gone?

Say What? Cool Quotes:

Biggest sign of imminent doom:

"Its done. The evil is destroyed forever."

Biggest Misconception:

"There is no evil in the house of God!"

Not for another four sequels at least...

"Dear God, when shall we be free? When shall we be free of this evil?"

Dracula's First Words:

"Who has done this thing?"

The Mr. Cynical award goes to Max:

"If you want success in life, forget the truth."

Best Innuendo:

"Dumplings are boiling over Zena!"

Fetch the whip:

"You have failed me. You must be punished."

Biggest Cliche:

"Now my revenge is complete."


The film follows directly on from
Dracula Prince of Darkness (1965).

Using liquified garlic painted on the walls to deter a vampire was also used in
Pale Blood (1990) but there it was used to prevent a vampires exit rather than entrance.


Come one come all Mortals who are willing to stick their neck out for a vampire to feed upon.  We will be willing to share our Dark Gift to you mortals if you pass our test.

Vampire Vampire film Vampire lord
Vampire teeth Vampire war Vampire the requiem



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