OOOPS!!! Last night when I sent this I sent out three e-mails to Power Hour Friends, 1) March 3rd reminder, 2) Rats!!! and a quote from 3) Hermann Goering and somehow when I was copying and pasting and sending I goofed up and the March 3rd reminder was signed by Hernmann Goering, Of course the March 3rd reminder should not be signed by Hermann Goering. Sorry. Thanks Lynn for pointing this out.
Subject: March 3rd is right around the corner (a reminder)

March 3

Neighbors, Friends and Family---

As most of us know there is a chance our country may be going to war very soon... We were talking about numbers the other night... now think about this.

Many of you may know that in scripture, the number 3 represents the Holy Trinity....

Well, how about calling for a day of prayer and fasting for our country...

When you may ask? .... March 3, 2003.

In simple terms it would be 03-03-03.

Wouldn't it be great if all the Christians in the world or at least in our country would stop what they are doing and pray on the same day... We could make 03-03-03 God's Day...

I mean He was there for all of us, that day on the cross...

Faith is the door way that all miracles come through, but prayer is the key that unlocks the door....

I hope you will pass this request on to all your friends and family.

In Christ we can survive or avoid the War that seems inevitable. Let's take action together.

What about all stopping all activities together - ! - at 03:03 in the afternoon on March 3rd. Then it would be 03-03-03-03-03. And that won't happen again for another thousand years (in 3003). We won't be around then... so how about now? Spread the word.

End of this e-mail


The second e-mail is the quote from Hermann Goering

"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor
in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But
after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and
it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is
a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a
communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice the people can always be
brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.
It works the same in any country."


Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials

April 18, 1946

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